Thumb Cookies' Rosemary Pecan & Apricot Pistachio Cookies

Especially with crafts like cooking and baking, our teachers are often those near and dear to us and the process takes us back to warm and happy days. Robyn Frank, Thumb Cookies‘ baker, who will be bringing delicious baked goods to our Valentine’s Market on Sunday, told us that her baking inspiration comes from the ladies in her life 

Top Left: Grandma Jean, Barb (Robyn's Mom), Sister Lisa, Grandma Ethel, Bottom Left: Robyn & Maxine, honorary Grandmother

My Grandmothers, sister and Mom have taught me the importance of making things with attention to detail and with love and ingenuity. I also just loved the time as a kid when we would all spend time in the kitchen together sharing stories and laughing. That’s a lot of what made me love baking. These women were all independent, intelligent and great in the kitchen. They have all shaped who I am today and I attribute my LOVE that goes into Thumbs to them.

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